Technological Change and the Future of Jobs


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Technological Change and the Future of Jobs

2018년 11월 19일

Harnessing the Positive Potential of Technology for an Inclusive Future of Jobs:

Policy Implications & Recommendations for Policymakers

With rapid technological changes driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the labour market is facing a multidimensional paradigm shift. This report analyzes the challenges and opportunities of technological transformation in shaping the labour landscape.

Drawing from the analysis, the paper aims to induce policy recommendations for policymakers to effectively formulate policies in addressing the associated issues ranging from job-skills mismatch of youth to public services delivery. Policy directions are offered to countries ranking high in the Human Development Index (HDI) with a strong focus on Korea, as well as those with lower HDI rankings. It is suggested that governments need to make a shift in policymaking approaches towards a more proactive stance by devising inclusive policy actions whilst embracing new and emerging technologies. 

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