"Survivor of Incest: The Happy Ending of a 15-Year-Old Client at Uma Mahon Salele"  

April 25, 2024

"AC, a 15-year-old client at Uma Mahon Salele, is a survivor of an incest case against a family member. Due to these traumatic events, she was very calm and reserved upon entering the shelter for the first time. She was reluctant to speak and had difficulty communicating with the shelter staff. AC felt different from her peers, experiencing feelings of shame, fear, and a sense of lacking support.

In response to AC's situation, the Centro Esperança Ba Feto (CEF) team provided ongoing support and counseling. They motivated her and reminded her of her dreams for the future. Additionally, they encouraged her to participate in activities such as hospitality training, sewing, handcrafting, animation, and other creative pursuits at the shelter to support survivors’ reintegration back into society. The staff also assisted her with her legal case, providing continuous support throughout the process, backed by the Hamutuk ba Igualdade project, funded by KOICA.

Thanks to the continued support from CEF and other referral partners like law enforcement, health care providers, and legal aid providers, combined with AC’s strength the defendant in her case received a 20-year prison sentence. These services and support resulted in AC acquiring some happiness and satisfaction from her case and the ability to move forward with her life. Through the services provided, she was able to become more diligent, happy, and intelligent, ultimately deciding to continue her education at the secondary level.

Through the various approaches taken by CEF staff, AC's situation improved significantly. She developed good communication skills and built positive relationships with those around her, forever showing the importance of survivor-centered services."